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We are very excited to introduce Tallmadge High School’s new college and career readiness platform, SchooLinks!  All of the SchooLinks features are designed with students in mind to help them become career, college, and life ready. As a guardian, you will have the opportunity to join your student in their career and college exploration process and have conversations with them about their future. You will have access to SchooLinks through your own account.

SchooLinks allows you to:
  • View the results of your student’s career interest, strength, and mindset assessments to learn more about their interests and what careers might be right for them
  • See what colleges and careers your student has favorited and set as goals
  • Check your personalized dashboard for upcoming events as well as important reminders and to-dos for your student
  • Complete your own research on colleges, careers, and more to help you have informed conversations with your student
  • Compare college costs and explore expected financial aid, scholarships, and out of pocket expenses
  • Review your student’s course plans

SchooLinks is a tool that gives you access to the bigger picture of your students’ future. It also allows you to connect with their school counselor by allowing  you to message them directly through the platform.

Students: Log on through Clever account at , Student tab, Clever, SchooLinks


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