Special Education Preschool

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Tallmadge City School Preschool

Tallmadge City Schools, in collaboration with the Summit Educational Service Center, provide a GOLD rated preschool program located at the David Bacon School. Any student that resides in the city of Tallmadge, starting at age 3, is eligible to attend the program.
The purpose of the preschool program is to:
  1. Provide quality educational classroom and/or itinerant programming to preschool-aged children.
  2. Provide education to children in an integrated setting where functional and developmentally appropriate activities are provided to facilitate the growth of each child.
  3. Provide support and assistance to families in meeting the needs of the child.
  4. Provide consultation and collaboration to families and schools in transitioning of children from preschool to kindergarten or other programs in the public school setting.
  5. Provide screening, evaluation and or service coordination for children throughout their time in the program.
A major component of the Tallmadge Preschool Program is the integration of children with special needs with typically developing children who serve as peer models. The curriculum is a combination of play-based, developmentally appropriate activities based on Ohio's Early Learning and Developmental Standards. The standards address all the essential domains of school readiness and include the following:
  • Social and Emotional Development
  • Physical Well-Being and Motor Development
  • Approaches Toward Learning
  • Language and Literacy Development
  • Cognition and General Knowledge 

Tallmadge Preschool classes meet for 190 minute sessions Monday through Thursday. The morning session is from 8:35 - 11:45 and the afternoon session runs from 12:15 - 3:25. There are two classrooms, both staffed by a highly qualified teacher and classroom assistant. Other available services based on identified student need include school psychology services, speech and language therapy, physical therapy, and occupational therapy.

Acceptance into the preschool program occurs through one of two avenues:
Preschooler with a Disability: A child between the ages of three and five who demonstrate delays in one or more areas of development during the screening process. Areas of delay include communication, motor, social/emotional/behavior, adaptive, cognitive and visual/hearing impairments. This screening/evaluation process involves play-based activities, parent interview, formal and informal assessment. Please call the office if you suspect your child may have a disability.
Peer Model: a child between the ages of three and five who does NOT have special needs can apply to the program as a peer model. Peer models must be completely toilet-trained and demonstrate good play skills (appropriate toy play, engagement with others, taking turns, etc.)

For more information about the preschool program please click on the links to the right or call the ESC preschool secretary, at 330-945-5600 ext. 511259.


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