Graduation & Testing Requirements

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Graduation & Testing Requirements

  • For the class of 2023 and beyond, students must meet  ALL the Permanent Requirements from ODE (also an option for class of 2021 & 2022)
    1. Course completion:  meet the Tallmadge curriculum requirements for graduation
    2.  Competency Demonstration: Students will demonstrate competency in the foundational areas of English language arts and mathematics or through alternative demonstrations, which include College Credit Plus, career-focused activities or military enlistment.  Scores required on ELA II & ALG- 684 by ODE.  Alternate options to demonstrate competency include College Credit Plus courses (ELA, math), Career Technical Education, and enlistment in the military.
    3.  Readiness Demonstration:  Students will demonstrate readiness for their post-high school paths by earning two seals that allow them to demonstrate important foundations and well-rounded academic and technical knowledge, professional skills, social and emotional competencies, and leadership and reasoning skills.  At least one seal earned must be a state-defined seal.  See worksheet for 12 seal options.
  • Graduation Plan worksheet & Detailed Graduation Plan 2023+
  • Ohio Department of Education testing information
  • Honors Diploma criteria   
    •    Tallmadge High School Honors Diploma Criteria- Will be discussed  with counselor during fall senior meeting but please plan ahead.
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