Gifted and Talented Education

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Gifted Information

Gifted and Talented Education

Through district assessments and referral testing students have the opportunity to be identified. Students are assessed for gifted identification and parents are notified if their child has met the criteria for state identification in any of the four categories:

1.           Superior Cognitive Thinking Ability

2.           Specific Academic Ability (Math, Reading, Science, Social Studies)

3.           Creative Thinking Ability

4.           Visual or Performing Arts Ability (Art, Dance, Drama, Music)

The Tallmadge City School District strives to meet the different educational needs of gifted and highly-able learners by providing a variety of instructional methods, materials, experiences, and evaluations to meet the needs of every learner. 

The needs of children who are identified in the categories of Superior Cognitive Ability and Specific Academic Ability may be met through a variety of opportunities, including: differentiation within the regular classroom setting, honors and advanced courses, college campus programs, and extra-curricular opportunities.  Each option has defined requirements for participation.

The needs of children who are identified in the categories of Creative Thinking Ability and Visual or Performing Arts Ability are met through our extensive art and music programs.  Participation at the lower grade levels is open in art, music, band, and orchestra.   At the upper grade levels, auditions and portfolios may be required.

Links and Resources for Gifted Education

 District Resources
   - Home page for ODE on information for students identified as gifted

   -  Home page for national gifted association. NAGC's mission is to support those who enhance the growth and development of gifted and talented children through education, advocacy, community building, and research.
   -  Website to support teachers in differentiating instruction
   -  There are hundreds of articles here to help you better understand giftedness, whether you're a teacher, administrator, parent, or a gifted student yourself!
   -  CTD ensures gifted students receive the education, encouragement and support they need to grow into confident and accomplished lifelong learners.
   -  Home page for the College Board (AP, etc.).
   -  Resources on acceleration.
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