Tallmage City Schools strives to create positive environments that allow students to feel safe and supported, and encourage them to learn. This page provides resources for preventing and responding to bullying. It is the district goal to prevent bullying or harassment of any type and to avoid its negative and often long-term consequences for students.
The district strives to be proactive and deter any bullying by using the following strategies:
- Modeling behavior that is inclusive and promotes respect for all students
- Providing students with opportunities to talk about bullying and enlist their support in defining bullying as an unacceptable behavior
- Helping students know what to do if they observe or are confronted by a bully
- Constantly monitoring cafeterias, playgrounds and other “hot spots” where bullying is likely to occur and where direct adult supervision may not be present
- Taking immediate action when bullying is observed so that both the target and the bully know that mistreating someone is not tolerated
- Creating cooperative learning activities that encourage interaction among students from different groups and ensure equal treatment of all participants
- Implementing a buddy system that pairs students with friends, student mentors and other supportive students, particularly if they are new to school
The Ohio Department of Education defines bullying and/or harassment as: “Any intentional written, verbal, graphic or physical act that a student or group of students exhibited toward another particular student more than once and the behavior both: causes mental or physical harm to the other student; and is sufficiently severe, persistent or pervasive that it creates an intimidating, threatening or abusive educational environment for the other student.” As a district we are required to provide semiannual notification of bullying incidents in the district. Below are current and previous reports.