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Homework/Study Tips

How Parents Can Help Children with Homework/Studying?

Homework is student’s responsibility. At times, they need the support of their parents. Here are some things you can do:
  • Provide a quiet, comfortable place for your child to study. 
  • Learn about your child’s assignments. What is she studying? How much homework is she expected to do?
  • Make a homework schedule with your child. He should study every day.
  • Explain concepts your child doesn’t understand, but let her do the actual work.
  • Review your child’s assignments. Show interest in what he is learning.
  • Praise your child for her hard work. Display projects she’s proud of.

Children Study Better When They Have a Study Plan

The most successful people are those who plan to succeed. They are like the military commander who develops a plan of attack. Similarly, successful students have a study plan. Parents can help children plan their study time by encouraging them to consider:
  • When they should study. It’s best when students study every day, even when they say “I don’t have any homework” . If there is no assignment, students can review or read.
  • How long they should study. To figure this, we usually say 10 minutes per grade level. Then they can use this information to “guesstimate” how long they should study on average. With your student, decide on a minimum amount of time to study each night.
  • When they will take study breaks. Students with no learning problems can usually concentrate for at least 10 minutes before they need a break.
  • Where they should study. Ideally, it’s a place free of distractions and equipped with pencils, paper, a dictionary and other necessary study tools.
  • What subjects they should study first, second, third, etc. To prioritize, students consider which assignment is due first and which is most important. They might choose to tackle the easiest or the hardest assignment first to increase confidence.
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