Dear Tallmadge Elementary Families:
Morning Drop-Off Procedures
(Refer to map below)
When you turn into the drive, there is a side drive immediately to your right. Follow this drive around the parking lot so that you can drop your child (ren) off at the lunchroom doors in the front of the building. The first vehicle in line should pull all the way up to the orange cone. All cars along the sidewalk within the white line will then allow child(ren) to exit. You can then pull straight out and exit through the one way exit point. Please remain within the white line which outlines the student drop off area. Please do not pull around the vehicle in front of you. This procedure is for your child (ren)’s safety
Also, please do not drop off your child before 8:30 a.m.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation,
Courtney Davis Jamilyn Hoehn David Ravida
Principal Assistant Principal Assistant Principal