Kindergarten Registration Information - Class of 2038
Scroll to the bottom of the page to begin registration
Kindergarten Registration OPENS MARCH 1
Welcome to Tallmadge City Schools! We are excited to have you and your family a part of the Tallmadge Community!
Tallmadge City Schools does not offer Open Enrollment. You must be a resident of the district to attend.
Tallmadge City Schools uses an online registration process for the convenience of families new to our district. This process should increase the accuracy and efficiency of registration. All students in grades K - 12 who are new to the district should complete the online pre-registration and upload all documentation to the Final Forms Portal. An email will be sent once approved.
Be sure to read this entire page before starting the online registration process.
Please contact Maria McNulty, Registrar, at 330-633-3291 ext. 3194 or email
[email protected] if you need assistance with the online registration.
Registration Process
1 - Parent/guardian completes the online registration with all required documents uploaded to the Final Forms Portal.
2 - Students registering for kindergarten must have their 5th birthday on or before August 1st to be eligible for admittance.
3 - The following documents will need to be uploaded to the Final Forms Portal. Documents can be scanned copies or photocopies. Pictures of documents from smartphones will be accepted as long as the document is visible.
• Student's Birth Certificate
• Student's Immunization Records
• Parent Photo ID
• Custody Paperwork (complete document), if applicable. Certified copy
of court order or court-appointed guardianship.
• Proof of Residency or Sworn Statement of Residency (for families living
with relatives).
**If a student is in the custody of Children's Services, an Affidavit of Custody and Proof of Educational Responsibility must be presented.
Homeowners: Renters:
- Deed or Loan Disclosure Statement - Valid Lease or Rental Agreement
*In addition to the above, two additional documents for proof of residency are required. Documents must be current and in the name of the parent or guardian (can be any of the following but must be two different documents):
• Utility bill (phone bills not accepted)
• Pay stub
• Insurance statement (auto insurance statements are not accepted)
• Voter registration
• Property Tax Bill
• Welfare/Child Care Records (Medicaid/Medicare, JFS)
**It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to finalize registration. Should a document be missing and/or registration not complete, you may be contacted by email as a reminder to complete registration.